Brain Health Coaching

Your brain is the organ of your personality, a powerhouse of intelligence and creativity, but it can also be your enemy when it comes to mood swings, depression, anxiety, and low energy levels. Throughout life we collect a lot of experiences that can alter how our brain functions. With  Brain Health Coaching you will learn how to develop brain healthy habits, increase the elasticity of your brain, improve your memory and slow down aging in all of your cells. Dismantling negative self-beliefs becomes easier if your brain is working right.

What does it look like?

During one of our first session we will do a brain health assessment with you. It is a simple paper pencil test that you will take home. No scary invasive procedures.

The reason I prefer to conduct it with all of my clients is that it gives me a clearer picture of what exactly is going on in the brain. All events and environments that you have been through affected the architecture of the brain and this assessment gives us a lot of insight into your particular situation.

The results will help me with making your treatment more targeted and not just throwing darts in the dark. I can guide or correct your supplement routine based on your brain’s specific needs and make lifestyle adjustments so you get to keep your brain as young as possible for as long as possible.