EMDR Consultations for Therapists

You've taken the EMDR Basic Training and perhaps even experienced its power firsthand in your own therapy sessions. It's sparked a passion in you, and now you are rebranding your entire practice. You're eager to dive deeper into the nuances of practicing EMDR as a therapist. You recognize its potential in aiding clients overcome their internal struggles. Now, all you need is a bit of guidance to sharpen those skills and truly make a difference. Let's journey together!

Hi, I am Linda.

I am a certified EMDR Therapist, currently pursuing my Consultant training. Based in Tampa, Florida, I work in a private practice where I specialize in EMDR and EMDR Intensives. My passion for EMDR runs deep—it's transformed both my personal and professional life. I'm enthusiastic about EMDR teaching and reducing human suffering, aiming to foster healing for individuals and the broader community.

Linda smiling

My specialties

  • Childhood trauma

  • Sexual assault

  • Grief / Loss

  • Burnout

  • Miscarriage, abortion, loss of a child

  • Divorce

  • Accidents

  • Medical Trauma

EMDR consultations can help you:

  • Gain confidence and tranquility in your client interactions

  • Receive the support needed to hone and expand your skills

  • Segment your learning objectives into digestible steps

  • Revel in your achievements

  • Evolve into the therapist you've always envisioned.