Frequently asked questions

What exactly is EMDR Therapy?

Think of EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) as a sort of "reset button" for distressing memories. It helps you process past traumas so they don't have such a heavy grip on your present. It's like cleaning out an old closet and organizing it, making things clearer and less cluttered.

How do EMDR Intensives differ from regular EMDR sessions?

EMDR Intensives are like deep-diving into your healing journey. Instead of spreading sessions out, you immerse yourself in longer, more concentrated sessions over a shorter time frame. Imagine it like binge-watching your favorite show in a weekend, but for your healing!

I've heard of Hypnotherapy. Is it like EMDR?

Great question! Both are powerful tools and I practice both, but they work differently. Hypnotherapy taps into your subconscious, guiding you to a relaxed state where you can address deep-rooted beliefs or habits. EMDR, on the other hand, focuses on reprocessing traumatic memories. Think of Hypnotherapy as gently sailing on your mind's ocean, while EMDR is more like targeted treasure hunting on the seabed.

Can I combine Hypnotherapy and EMDR in my treatment?

Absolutely! Many of my clients find it beneficial to mix and match, like combining yoga and gym workouts for holistic fitness. We can design a treatment plan tailored just for you, mixing the best of both worlds.

What's Brain Health Coaching all about?

As an Amen’s Clinic Certified Brain Health Coach, I focus on boosting your wellbeing through improving brain health, which means I help you tailor lifestyle changes, supplement regime and exercises for your brain’s specific needs. It's about keeping your brain in tip-top shape, so you're feeling sharp, focused, and ready for anything.

How do I know which therapy or coaching method is right for me?

Just like finding the perfect pair of shoes, it's about fit and comfort. Remember, 80% of your success is about how comfortable you feel with your therapist. Together we will work on what would work best for you. I come with my expertise and qualifications, you come in as an expert on you. Combining both, we embark on your unique journey. You are not walking alone anymore.