EMDR Therapy in Tampa Bay, Florida

Transforming Lives.

If you are feeling stuck or confused in your life and you have tried other therapy approaches with minimal relief, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has the ability to create powerful and long-lasting changes in a short amount of time. I promise - my goal is not to keep you in my office forever. 

Linda holding a coffee mug that reads "Let's EMDR that sh*t"

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) utilizes natural agility of the brain to heal itself. It can help you break free from whatever is holding you back - prioritizing everyone and everything else but treating yourself like you never matter, feeling like whatever you do is never good enough, never trusting your own judgement or never feeling safe.

EMDR therapy is unique in its ability to target the body's "fight-flight-freeze" response by activating neural circuits that have been blocked, which helps the brain regulate itself. The process of EMDR happens in both the left and right sides of the brain simultaneously and at a rapid rate — with each eye movement or hand tap. This creates a neurobiological “reset” so that new neural connections can be formed as we move toward healing and change.

In other words, EMDR is an effective and proven method to help you recover from the effects of life stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma. With EMDR, you’ll experience a heightened awareness of your intuition, feel less confused about choices, and experience your true authentic self.

What is EMDR?

EMDR can help if you

  • Had a childhood

  • Experienced culture

  • Went through something that shouldn’t have happened but did

  • Went through something that didn’t happen but should have.

It can also help if you are feeling

  • that you are responsible for everything/everyone

  • everything feels like it is your fault even though logically you know it is now

  • like you are inadequate or not good enough even though there is evidence that you are good enough

  • like you are not a priority for anybody

  • anxious, panicky, fearful and worried

  • low and not enjoying things that you normally enjoy

  • numb, tired, shut down

  • depleted from taking care of everyone but yourself

  • unsafe even when there is no physical or emotional danger

  • like you don’t know who you are

A picture of Linda sitting on a chair and a review that reads "As an EMDR practitioner for 25 years and a trainer of EMDR therapists, I give Linda my highest recommendation. I trained her and know her skills well" by Dr Andrew J Dobo

EMDR is not just a journey through memories, but a path to healing and rediscovery of the self.

We can work in two models


  • While talk therapy will be incorporated into our sessions, it is not my primary specialty or focus.

  • Healing isn't a one-size-fits-all journey. While some might find peace after a day or two from a single upsetting event, others might need a bit more time, especially if they've faced multiple challenges. If you've experienced complex traumas, it's completely okay to need a more extended period to prepare and process. I'm here to guide and suggest what might work best for you, but always remember: you know yourself best and get to choose the pace that feels right for you.

  • I work within two models.

    Option #1: Traditional Weekly 50-minute session

    Option #2: EMDR Intensives

    EMDR Intensives are a powerful way to get a jump start on the healing process. You can book 2 consecutive days of EMDR therapy (4-5 hours each day). This is perfect for anyone who is ready for a breakthrough.

  • I provide individual therapy to adults only. But if you are looking for services for a child / teen or a couple, I can give you a referral.

  • I currently accept only UnitedHealth insurance for traditional 50 minute sessions. My private pay rate is $160 per 50 minute session.

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